Realistic Goal Setting

It is no secret goal setting is one step to success.  But how do you set goals?  What goals do you set? How do you measure goals?  These are all questions every small business owner asks themselves.  The truth is: it varies. 

When you are setting a goal, you need to think of the 5 parts of goal setting.

  1. What do you want to accomplish?

    • This makes sense, right? You can not have a goal that does not accomplish anything.  Think of what your main business goal is. Where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years down the road? Give yourself a destination.  Know where you want to go.  A clear vision to what you want your future to be is vital to goal setting.

  2. How are you going to make it happen?

    • Now that you know where you want to go, how are you going to get there? This is where the small, realistic goals come into place. Break down your goal and figure out the little pieces that make it a whole. For example, if your goal is to grow your business, ask yourself, “What are the parts to that?, Grow your business by how much? Do you want to grow by number of clients, amount of sales, brand recognition?” Whatever it may be, give it a quantifiable number. 

  3. What are you going to do to reach your goal?

    • Now it is time to create an action plan. Decide what works best for you and how to best use your skill sets. Are you going to invest in strategic marketing, an outside sales rep, paid advertising? There are several options and you need to decide what aligns with your goals, objectives, and company voice. Create a timeline within your action plan and write it down in your calendar. Pencil in notes and reminders throughout the timeline to make sure you are staying on track.

  4. Why is this goal important to you?

    • Goals need to have a purpose. Even if that purpose to is to make money, that is okay! Making money is the American Dream! Identify your goal’s importance and be sure to recognize its importance throughout your process.

  5. Reward yourself

    • Once you have obtained your goal you need to reward yourself. Whether it be your favorite coffee drink, a new outfit, or a night out with your friends - there needs to be celebration to recognize the accomplishment. Setting a goal is one thing, but reaching your goal is another. So many people set goals and then forget about them. This is why it is important to have a celebration at the end for a job well done. You did it! You reached your goal!  That is something worth celebrating.

Realistic goal setting is what will take your business to the next level. Be honest with yourself on what you can and cannot accomplish right now. It is okay to shoot for the moon but do not try to take your rocket outside of this universe. Setting small and realistic goals that are obtainable will boost your confidence and keep you on track for what is most important – building a business that will last for years to come. Good luck with your realistic goal setting and please share your trade secrets along the way, we would love to hear them!